domingo, 26 de novembro de 2017


Sobre o trabalho.

[…] Though work has often entailed subjugation, obedience and hierarchy, it’s also where many of us, probably most of us, have consistently expressed our deepest human desire, to be free of externally imposed authority or obligation, to be self-sufficient. We have defined ourselves for centuries by what we do, by what we produce.

But by now we must know that this definition of ourselves entails the principle of productivity – from each according to his abilities, to each according to his creation of real value through work – and commits us to the inane idea that we’re worth only as much as the labour market can register, as a price.[…]
[…] So the impending end of work raises the most fundamental questions about what it means to be human. — What if jobs are not the solution but the problem?, James Livingston

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